Daily Archives: July 11, 2006

Now I’ve said my ABC’s, tell me what you think of Meme

I was tagged by Paulette for this meme. Here goes:

Accent: Um. Educated redneck? Born and raised in Arkansas, now living in Georgia. My high school French teacher told me I had an excellent French accent. Mais oui!

Bible Book that I like: Ephesians. Favorite verse from Ephesians is 4:32.

Chore I don’t care for: Any of them. I need a maid.

Dog or Cat: Fried, please. (Kidding!) Dog

Essential Electronics: Computer and cell phone

Favorite Movie: Napoleon Dynamite. Yes, I am a dork.

Gold or Silver: Silver

Handbag I Carry Most Often: My husband bought me a red and black canvas bag with a University of Georgia emblem on front for my birthday.

Insomnia: Usually only at night. I have no trouble sleeping at my desk or behind the wheel.

Job Title: Accounting Technician (fancy way of saying data entry clerk), Wife, Mother

Kids: 1 husband, 1 stepson, 1 stepdaughter, 2 daughters

Living Arrangements: 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 bath humble abode in a quaint little subdivision on the outskirts of town. We have hubby’s kids on weekends and mine whenever they choose to grace us with their presence, (hopefully for the school year.)

Most Memorable Moment: Winning the Miss America pageant. Oh, wait. That wasn’t me. Seeing my ankles again after giving birth to my first child was pretty momentous, but it doesn’t hold a candle to falling in love with her immediately. Then her sister came along, and my heart doubled in size. Nothing compares to that.

Naughtiest Childhood Behavior: Mercilessly teasing my overweight sisters, which not only was terribly cruel, but was really stupid on my part because they could beat me up.

Overnight Hospital Stays: Twice for childbirth, once for a hernia operation, and once for a cervical cone biopsy.

Phobias: Being the only one who doesn’t get the joke.

Quote: “I may not agree with what you have to say, but I shall defend to the death your right to shut up.” – Unknown (kidding!)
“I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good, therefore, that I can do or any kindness I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it for I shall not pass this way again.” – Stephen Grellet

Religion: None for me, thanks. I’m a born-again believer in Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, whom I know personally as my Lord and Savior. Southern Baptist upbringing, if you must know, with a sprinkling of United Methodist (pun intended. I was dunked.)

Siblings: I have an older sister by 2 years, a younger sister by 11 months, and a younger brother by 8 years.

Time I Wake Up: After about the 4th or 5th snooze. 7:15 at the latest.

Unusual Talent: I can read upside down, recite the alphabet backwards, and quote Green Eggs and Ham word for word. Not unusual enough? Okay, I can sing the theme song to “All In the Family” and sound exactly like Edith Bunker. Wanna hear?

Vegetable I Refuse to Eat: Beets. Or anything pickled. Except, you know, pickles.

Worst Habit: Smoking. I’ve been meaning to quit. (2nd worst: Procrastination.)

X-rays: Ribs, once, after a car accident. Dental, several times.

Yummy Stuff I Cook: I don’t cook often enough, but I can make a mean meatloaf, baked chicken, spinach lasagne, and cheesecake

Zoo Animal I Like Most: Otter

I’m tagging Barb and Diane, and inviting anyone else who hasn’t done this one to please join in.

Have a Wonderful Day!


Filed under Blogging, Fun, Meme