Monthly Archives: July 2006

I Left My Heart in Arkansas

I’ve just returned from a gut-wrenching, teeth-clenching weekend at my parents’ home. After having spoken with my daughters, who informed me that they would not be coming home with me, I almost decided not to make the trip. It’s no fun having your heart ripped out, but I couldn’t not go. I woke my husband around 3 am and told him I had to go. We took turns driving and napping, and I prayed every waking moment. We arrived 11 hours later and stopped by the ex’s house to pick them up and take them to Grandma’s.

Sarah packed a bag, and Lindsey locked herself in her room. I called their dad to tell him that we were taking Sarah to my mom’s and that he could bring Lindsey by later. He agreed, and we discussed their rebellious behavior and possible remedies. They’re the same way with him. I explained to him that the main problem is that we have allowed them to make decisions that weren’t theirs to make. We are the parents, and we have to work together to do what’s best for them, regardless of what they think they want. We are to meet their needs, not their demands. He agreed with that also, but he disagreed that the remedy is to make the decision for them. They shouldn’t be made to live where they don’t want to live.

I told him that I had warned them that if they continued to disobey me, then I would come get them and they would have to stay with me until they learned to behave respectably and respectfully. I’m tired of having my children tell me they don’t have to do what I say because their dad says otherwise. He denied saying otherwise, but he refuses to see that in taking their side against me the message is LOUD and CLEAR. He agreed to let them come stay with me for two weeks, on the condition that I would not try make them stay against their will. I told him that if they chose to be disrespectful to me and my house, the consequence would be that they would remain until they chose to behave properly. The choice is theirs. Apparently, that sounded reasonable enough to him, so he said he would talk to Lindsey and call me back. I assumed that he was going to tell her that we had come to an agreement and that she would not be getting away with disobeying and disrespecting my authority.

Instead, he had her call me to work out a compromise. Can it be for one week? No. We agreed to two. Can we leave in the morning, instead of tonight? No. We have to get back for church. Can she bring a friend? Absolutely not, this is a family matter, and we don’t have room. Family? What family? Carl isn’t family, her dad agrees with her. I asked to speak with her dad. This time, he’s pleading her case. She’s in tears. She’s afraid I’ll make her stay. I’m sorry, but I seriously don’t believe for one minute that she’s afraid of me. She’s afraid of having to do what she’s told. She’s crying to get her way. He then asked to speak to Sarah.

Before we got ready to go, I told Sarah to call Lindsey and tell her to get packed. She said Lindsey wasn’t there and that her dad wouldn’t say where she went. I called and asked him where she was. He had let her go somewhere with a friend. Grrrr! Then Sarah said she wasn’t going without Lindsey. Now what? Separate them? I hadn’t planned on it, but maybe it would be best. I wrestled with that for a while, then decided against it. When got in the car to leave, I broke down. I could not leave her behind. I went back inside and told her to get her things. She needs to spend some time with her mother. She started to cry. When we got to the car, she refused to get in without calling her dad first. I told her that I would call him. I made her get in the car, and she got out and took off behind the house. I tried again and again. The third time she ran, I let her go.

I now understand the peace that came over me last Monday. There is nothing I can do. It’s out of my hands.


Filed under Faith, Family, Prayer

Bloggy Tour of Homes

Welcome! So glad you could stop by. Our house was built in the ’60’s and was one of the first in the neighborhood. It needs a bit of a makeover, but it’s home. Come on in!

Here’s my little corner of the world, where the bloggy magic happens. Can you see whose blog I’m visiting? It’s BooMama, blogger extraordinaire! She’s the organizer of this tour, so be sure you drop by her place when you leave here.

This room is known as the living room, but apparently the plant hanging from the ceiling didn’t get the memo. It was green when I got it. Good thing my kids aren’t houseplants!

Here we are, back in the kitchen. It’s small, but it’s clean, thanks to the hubster. Can I get you anything? Coffee, perhaps?

Oh, that’s right. You’ve got places to go and people to see. Well, I enjoyed your visit. Hope you did, too. Y’all come back now, y’hear?


Filed under Blogging, Fun, Photos

New Kid on the Blog

Okay, yeah, I know it’s a dorky title, but what do you expect from the likes of me? So here’s the deal. There’s a brand new blogger in town, and I think it would be really swell if we all went over and gave her a warm bloggy welcome. Tomorrow is her one-week bloggiversary, so don’t forget to wish her a happy one! Well, what are you waiting for? Go!

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Filed under Blogging, Fun

Facing the Unknown

The coming weekend holds a lot of uncertainty for me, and although I am very much looking forward to seeing my girls again, I’m also dreading the battle of wills that is sure to ensue. Being apart from them is difficult, and phone conversations with them are almost painful. Scratch that. They are painful. Hearing my child tell me that she doesn’t care what the Bible says and I can’t make her live with me if she doesn’t want to breaks my heart. At the same time, her boldness is admirable. If only she would turn it on the enemy rather than her mother. I never would have dared even dream of speaking to my mother that way, but I wasn’t bold enough to stand up for myself in other situations when I should have. I’m not backing down on this issue, though. I have to stand firm.

Last week, I pondered the question “What am I to do?” Do I act on my faith and enroll them in school, or do I wait and see what happens next weekend? What if I enroll them, expecting them to come home with me, and they refuse? Their dad is telling them it’s their decision, and whatever they decide is fine with him. I contend that it’s our responsibility as parents to make the right decision for them. Of course they’d rather stay there. They aren’t required to respect any authority other than his. They aren’t expected to check in and let anyone know of their whereabouts. They don’t have to go to church, read their Bibles, obey God, or obey their mother.

Lindsey informed me that I can’t discipline them from here, which is true, but I informed her that God can discipline them no matter where they are. I can’t believe the change in her. She’s saying now that she was lying when she said she would come back. She was lying when she said the change was good for her. I’m appalled at her lack of respect for me and others in authority, but the scariest part is her lack of fear of the Lord. I seriously would not want to be her.

With Sarah, it’s hard to tell. She isn’t as bold as Lindsey, but she does say she doesn’t want to move. I totally get that. I know how hard it is to leave friends behind, but I also know that God’s plans are far and away greater than anything we can imagine. I also know that without proper discipline and guidance, they are more susceptible to Satan’s deception. Even with proper discipline and guidance, it’s often easy to become ensnared. I know I can’t prevent it, but I can instruct them and be the example they need.

I went to bed Sunday night wounded and awoke Monday morning with a strange peace. I say strange, not because I haven’t felt peace, but because I don’t understand what it means. Peace that surpasses understanding, maybe? I’m sure it’s God’s way of letting me know that He has it under control, but I still don’t know exactly what I’m supposed to do about enrollment. I feel certain that they will be coming home with me, but how in the world will that be accomplished? I guess that remains to be seen.

I have no idea what to expect from their dad. More lies, yes, and threats, likely. His usual tactics. I don’t know how far he’ll go, violence-wise. I hate to think I might be putting my husband in any danger. I’m trying not to be fearful.

Please pray for us this weekend. We’ll be needing all the backup we can get.

** For those of you who are wondering, as I’m sure most of you are, our divorce decree is rather vague on the custody arrangements. It states that the children will spend approximately half their time with each parent, according to their schedules and desires. We settled out of court.

We lived close enough at the time that this was workable, until he found out I had begun dating. Suddenly, he became very possessive of the girls and threatened to keep them from me until I came to my senses. He threatened to have Carl killed if I saw him again, and made harrassing phone calls to Carl. My lawyer informed me that there was nothing I could do if he hadn’t actually harmed anyone and that sufficient time had not passed to warrant a “change of circumstance” for modifying custody. He kept up his shenanigans for over a year, and I began the process of filing for a modification of custody. Because I became convicted that God was telling me not to fight over them, I dropped the suit and tried to work out an arrangement with him. I knew he couldn’t be trusted, but I had to trust God. For the very first time in my life, I surrendered everything to God. I know He is in control. His will will prevail. I just have to quit trying to figure it out for Him.


Filed under Faith, Family, Prayer

Eeny-Meeny-Miney Meme

Got this one from Grafted Branch.

1. NAME: Brenda
2. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? Everyone named before 11:45 pm on March 9, 1966.
3. WHEN DID YOU LAST CRY? Last night, over my kids
5. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LUNCHMEAT? bologna (pronounced baloney)
6. KIDS? Yeah. Wanna trade? They behave better for other people.
7. IF YOU WERE ANOTHER PERSON WOULD YOU BE FRIENDS WITH YOU? Funny question. Which me are we talking about?
8. DO YOU HAVE A JOURNAL? Only online – 2 of them
9. DO YOU USE SARCASM A LOT? Mostly in my head, and often when I open my mouth.
11. WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP? Up, yes. Down? Probably not.
12. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CEREAL? Life, Special K, Golden Grahams
13. DO YOU UNTIE YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF? No, but I untie them to put them on, unless they don’t tie.
14. DO YOU THINK YOU ARE STRONG? Not as physically strong as I used to be, but much stronger emotionally.
15. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM FLAVOR? Edy’s Dreamery Black Raspberry Avalanche or plain ol’ Chocolate
16. SHOE SIZE? 6 1/2 W I D E
17. RED OR PINK? red
18. WHAT IS THE LEAST FAVORITE THING ABOUT YOURSELF? Indecisiveness or Procrastination – haven’t made up my mind… yet.
19. WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST? Whom? My kids
20. DO YOU WANT EVERYONE TO SEND THIS BACK TO YOU? A link back to this post is sufficient. My inbox is full, TYVM.
21. WHAT COLOR PANTS AND SHOES ARE YOU WEARING? No pants. A black dress with tan weed-looking floral print and black sandals.
22. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? Various nocturnal critters.
23. IF YOU WERE A CRAYON, WHAT COLOR WOULD YOU BE? Purple. Ever seen a purple cow? Didn’t think so!
24. FAVORITE SMELL? Hazelnut
27. DO YOU LIKE THE PERSON WHO SENT THIS TO YOU? The person I borrowed it from, you mean. I’ve never met her, but I think I would like her.
28. FAVORITE DRINK. Unsweetened Iced tea or regular Coke
29. FAVORITE SPORT? Blogging is a sport, right? College basketball and Pro baseball to watch, badminton or volleyball to play.
30. EYE COLOR? greenish/bluish/greyish depending upon what I wear, mostly green
31. HAT SIZE? no idea
33. FAVORITE FOOD: Shrimp & spinach pasta alfredo
34. SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDING? suspense or happy ending, I’m not into scary.
37. SUMMER OR WINTER? summer
38. HUGS OR KISSES? Kisses! with almonds 🙂
39. FAVORITE DESSERT? cheesecake
40. WHO IS MOST LIKELY TO RESPOND? I don’t know, Barb maybe?
42. WHAT BOOKS ARE YOU READING? Waking the Dead by John Eldredge, The Power of a Praying Parent by Stormie O’Martian, and HTML Complete 3rd Edition
44. WHAT DID YOU WATCH ON TV LAST NIGHT? History Channel or Discovery Channel, not sure which. The backs of my eyelids were slightly more intriguing.
45. FAVORITE SOUNDS? silence, saxophone, cello
47. THE FURTHEST YOU’VE BEEN FROM HOME? Puerto Vallarta, Mexico on my 1st honeymoon.
48. WHAT IS YOUR PRESENT OCCUPATION? Accounting Technician
49. BOXERS OR BRIEFS? I don’t wear either, but I like hubby in boxers…or not. What? We’re married.
50. I TAG…YOU! Leave a comment so I can come read yours, ok?


Filed under Blogging, Fun, Meme

Remember to Pray

I’ve spent the afternoon catching up on some of my blog reads and thinking about the people I’ve encountered through blogging. I would never have met so many were it not for the internet, and I’m thankful that God has provided this means to reach out to others. In my little world, my trials are a pretty big deal, but they’re pretty insignificant when I consider what others are going through. Circumstances that are unimaginable to me and would seem to be unbearable. Earth-shattering, heartbreaking, and life-changing are words that come to mind. My heart goes out to each of these families, and my prayers are with them. I hope you’ll keep them in your prayers also.

Elise and her boys, extended family and friends, including BooMama
Addie’s brother
Amy Wilhoite, her family, and physicians
Addison, her family, and physicians
Kelli and her family
Rich Kirkpatrick
This family
This family

Pray without ceasing. 1Thessalonians 5:17


Filed under Blogging, Prayer

Geeks, Nerds, and Dorks – Oh My!

I am nerdier than 45% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

Thanks to Lori, I just had to find out for myself just how nerdy I am. Okay, I realize it isn’t an IQ test, but 45? So I don’t really qualify for geek status, no big surprise there, but I’m a little disappointed that my score isn’t a little higher. I guess I was hoping to be more geek-nerd than dork-nerd. Is there a difference? The fact that you asked means you probably don’t consider yourself a nerd. Your kids probably think you’re cool. I bet you even have social skills. The fact that I think there is a difference is probably why I am more dork than geek, and the fact that I’ve actually given it any thought is evidence that I am, however lightly, a nerd. Go me!

What’s your score?


Filed under Blogging, Fun

Fantabulous Friday

Melissa at Breath of Life has come up with the fantabulous idea of recognizing a person, place, or thing that has had an impact on your life each week and giving a shout out to God for using him/her/it to bless you. Well, I don’t know about you, but I sometimes need to be reminded to be thankful in everything. So how ’bout it? Let’s lift our hearts toward heaven and praise the Lord!

This week, I have been most touched and inspired by a young mother who is undergoing treatments for leukemia. Through all of her pain and suffering, Amy Wilhoite’s testimony of faith is amazing. What an example of being made strong in weakness. If you haven’t read her story, please do so now. I promise you will be blessed.

Father, thank you for Amy and her wonderful example of praising You in all things. Pour out your blessings upon her and give her strength for the journey ahead. Steady the hands of the doctors and nurses who attend her and give them wisdom to aid in her fight against this cancer. Heal her body if that is Your will, Lord, and be with her family as they wait for her to return home. In Christ’s precious name, amen.


Filed under Blogging, Faith, Praise, Prayer

Pray without ceasing

Praying for Amy and her family, Elise and her boys, Paulette and her children, this family, and this family.

Father, in the name of my Lord Jesus I lift up to You these families and ask that You pour out your blessings upon them. Comfort them in their sorrow, Lord, and give them strength and wisdom for the journey ahead. Surround them with love and hold them close that they may find peace in Your presence. God, be with Addison and her parents today as they visit with doctors to schedule surgery. Heal their hearts, Lord. Amen.

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Filed under Blogging, Faith, Prayer

Prayer Requests

Usually I put these posts on my prayer blog, but it doesn’t get as much traffic, and we need to get the word out. Please pray for Amy and her family, Elise and her boys, Paulette and her children, this family, and this family. Updated to add Addison and her parents.

If I’ve missed anyone, please let me know. I consider it a privilege to lift up my brothers and sisters in prayer, whether or not I know their names or their needs.

God bless you!


Filed under Blogging, Faith, Prayer