Daily Archives: August 21, 2006

To Meme or Not To Meme (A Novel Idea)

Barb and Laurel Wreath both tagged me for this fun meme. I knew I shoulda done it already, then I could have tagged Barb before she got me. Ah, well, here goes:

If you could write a novel about any subject, what would it be?
(Just the subject–don’t give away your plot idea!)

Mine would be the story of a young maiden who isn’t aware of her beauty. She longs to be adored, but she has been deceived into believing that she’s much too plain and too scholarly to catch the eye or the heart of a man.

She loses all hope of ever finding true love, when one day she meets an evil beast disguised as a handsome, charming prince. He convinces her that he is the only one who is capable of loving her because only he can see how beautiful she is. He locks her in a room with a two-way mirror so that he can admire her beauty and only lets her out to cook and clean and to go bowling with him and his beast buddies. She realizes his deception when he flips the wrong switch, allowing her to see him without his disguise. Repulsed, she begins to formulate a plan for escape. She encourages him to take up a hobby, buys him a set of golf clubs, and he disappears for days at a time….

Whatcha think? Too predictable?

The genre would be autobiographical fiction. I don’t know how interesting it would be to read, but I think it would be fun to write.

According to the rules, which can be found at Violet Voices, I gotta tag 5 (or so) people. So…
I tag Kelli, Grafted Branch, Lori, Dawn, Tammy, and Cheryl.
Hope you ladies have as much fun with it as I did!


Filed under Blogging, Fun, Meme