Daily Archives: August 27, 2006

My Makeover

Yes, I’ve done it again. I went and changed my template. I get bored too easily, which is really a shame because I’m one of the most boring people I know. Makes you wonder how I stand myself, don’t it?

The porch in the photo isn’t mine, but I do wish it were. I found the photo online at a free site a while back, and I’ve forgotten the name of the site. I will be researching that today so I can give proper credit to the photographer.

I’m not finished tinkering with it yet. I want to change the thin gray border to a sage green if I can figure out how. I had a hard time choosing between shades for the background. I don’t even know what color you’d call this, but I’m calling it lavendar.

It really wasn’t all that difficult, though I couldn’t have done it without Boomama’s instructions. I went to my test blog template and changed it to “Mr. Moto.” Then I copied all my links and sidebar goodies from my main template and pasted them into my test template. Then I added the photo to the header and changed the background color. Once I got everything looking the way I wanted, with a couple of exceptions, I went to my main template and switched it to the same one I chose for my test blog. You can do that without losing any posts or comments, if you’re wondering. The only thing you’ll lose is stuff you’ve added to the sidebar, which is why you save them in your testblog. After I switched my main template, I went back to the test template and copied all the links and sidebar goodies and the other changes I’d made and pasted them into my main template.

And voila! That’s French for “there it is” or “look there” – or as we say in the south, “looky there!” (It’s pronounced vwah lah, which is why most people spell it wahlah, just in case you were wondering.)

So now for the really important question: Does this blog make my butt look big?


Filed under Blogging, Fun